When searching for books, you can use LUBsearch, the library catalogue LUBcat or the national library catalogue Libris.
Books at Lund University libraries
LUBcat is the collective catalogue for all libraries at Lund University. LUBcat contains information on printed material such as books, journals and reports but also e-books. It also allows you to see which library at Lund University holds the material and whether it is available. You can request material from one library and pick it up at another.
LUBcat - the library catalogue
You can also find books in LUBsearch. LUBsearch is our shared access point to all our library resources. In addition to the material also listed in LUBcat , you have access to the library’s digital resources. LUBsearch offers you more search options than LUBcat.
LUBsearch - discovery system for printed and electronic resources
Some older Swedish literature (printed before 1957) may not be listed in LUBcat. This type of material can be requested via the University Library.
Catalogue -1957, older literature at the University Library
Books at other Swedish libraries
Libris contains information on printed material such as books, journals and reports but also e-books at all the research libraries and larger public libraries in Sweden. Through interlibrary loans via your library, you can request material which is available elsewhere in the world. You are also welcome to submit purchasing suggestions for books which are not available at the libraries.
Libris - the Swedish national library catalogue
Talking books
If you have any form of reading difficulty and you require talking books, you are welcome to the library for information and assistance.
E-mail: info [at] sambib [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 09 90
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